Here you can see a typical meal in Bangladesh. It is full of rice, vegetables, spices, and meat, everything a growing boy needs (well, I don't really need it, but it sure does taste good).
It is common to eat lots of rice and vegetables. They are abundant, and they are cheaper than most meat. One of the reasons that people in Bangladesh eat so much rice is because it is cheap and it grows fast. They can harvest their crops about three times a year. To give you an idea how good that is in Kansas, Farmers are lucky to have one good harvest a year. (That is some good land!)
In Bangldesh they also use many spices in their foods, and they also like it HOT! They will put lots of chilis into their food to give it flavor. It's just like Mexican food, nice and spicy!
Because so many of you had questions about eating with your right hand I thought that I would show you how it is done.
This is a tradition and a custom that has not gone out of style. This is not unlike us as Americans eating with only our right hand. If you do not believe me, take a look next time you see an American eat. Watch that they will cut meat with their right hand and then switch the knife and fork in order to eat. In Europe they do not do this. The fork stays in the left hand, and the knife is always in the right (when it is being used).
where is this hotel? I would like to visit and have a wonderful lunch there.