Wednesday, February 18, 2009

What is the difference?

How beautiful is this country?! I would like you to take a moment with me and smell the flowers. Yes, take in a big deep breath of that Asian air.
Ahhhh.... don't you feel better? I thought that you might.
Let me start by showing you some of the little differences that I have noticed while I have been here in Bangladesh.
First I would like to take a moment to talk about the difference in dress. Yes you might have seen me using some different clothing. The first thought you might have is "Mr. Dunn?! he looks wack!!"
My hope is that you really reacted with something more like:
"Hey, what a cool different way to dress. I didn't know that they used such different stuff in Bangladesh."

The use of color in clothing is shown with their everyday dress. Here you will see a family that let me take their picture.
The women of Bangladesh adorn themselves with wonderful bright colors that make them seem even more exotic and beautiful.

An even greater difference came to me when we went out to eat. In Bangladesh, they eat a lot of rice, fish, vegetables, curry, they also like spicy and hot foods. I felt confident when I knew I was coming to Bangladesh.

"No big deal" I thought in my head as I prepared for the trip. "I can eat just about anything so I should be fine"..... then I got here and was a little shocked at what I found.

It is customary in Bangladesh to eat with... your hands! Not just any hand, the right one. The reason that you do not eat with your left hand is because that is the hand that was used to... um.... clean yourself (back in the day). If you are using the "facilities" and somebody didn't save you some TP then.... well... that is what you have your left hand for. Anyways, so you eat all foods (except liquids) with your right hand.

These are just a few of the things that I have observed in the last few days in Bangladesh. I will update you more in the days to come.

I miss you all and wish you the best this week.

Mr. Dunn

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