Monday, February 23, 2009

The streets of Dhaka

In the streets of Dhaka you can see many many things. One thing that I have noticed is the amount of people on the streets at all times. There has not been a time of day when I have not seen people walking. It is not a surprise to see so many people when you look at the population issues in Bangladesh and in Asia. There are lots of people and the cities just keep growing and growing.
It is not unlike big cities of the U.S. The only difference is that you have to add several million more people in the same space, and then you will feel what it is like in Dhaka and I imagine other parts of Asia with population issues.

Because of some of these issues you run into problems like traffic as well. I consider myself to be a competent driver and very good at getting to one place or another. I feel comfortable in just about any city in the U.S. and have had little problems. The only place that I have been afraid and flat out refused to drive has been Mexico City, but now I can add Dhaka to that list. IT IS CRAZY!!!!

There is another issue with traffic and population in Bangladesh and Asia. There are often so many people going to a certain place that they fill every seat..... so when the seats are full, they put people on the roof! It is quite a spectacle when you are going down the highway and you see a group of people on top of a bus. It makes me nervous, but also I am amazed that there are not more accidents in Bangladesh.

The traffic is so hard to navigate, and not only that, but they drive on the right side of the car, not the left like in the U.S.

So let me explain: right side driving + crazy traffic in Bangladesh= Mr. Dunn scared out of his mind!

So you can see how hard it is to travel in Asia. But they do have a mode of travel that I like very much, and that would be the rickshaw.

Awwww, there is nothing quite like a nice ride in the back of a rickshaw....that is unless yours happens to be full of two very.... umm.... rotund teachers from America. Enjoy the ride with Mr. T and I and check out a form of travel that has been around for centuries. Before the invention of the bicycle, the rickshaw was pulled by a runner. Now that was hard work! Even today it is not an easy job to pull a rickshaw, but somehow these people make it work.

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Dunn and blog viewers,
    It is bizarre and incredibly cool to see the streets of Dhaka in action! My cousin, who is a missionary in India, would explain the streets of India to me (they seem to be similar) but it was hard to imagine until I saw all these videos. I think it is just amazing all the videos you have put together. Wow. I love that I get to see all of it in action!
